
David Cantarero: Log III (automimesis)

Titanik-projektitilassa avautuu tiistaina espanjalaisen kuvataiteilija David Cantarero Tomásin (s. 1979) näyttely Log III (automimesis). Tomás työskentelee tällä hetkellä Saaren kartanon residenssitaiteilijana.

“Viimeaikaista työskentelyäni voisi kuvata ‘keskusteluna kuvan kanssa’. Kuva ei ole minulle pelkästään kaksiulotteinen objekti, vaan jotakin paljon monimuotoisempana, joka määrittää kuinka näemme, käsitämme, koemme ja muutamme maailmaa ympärillämme. Tarkastelen myöskin tähän liittyen, kuinka kieli ohjaa kuvien tulkintaa ja vastaanottoa. Titanik-projektitilassa esitettävä installaatio menee syvälle representaation, kuvan, median ja teknologian tematiikkaan.”


“The work I have been carrying out the last few years of artistic production can be described as a ‘dialog with the image’. Image considered not only as something two-dimensional, but as something more vast and complex, directly related with the way we perceive, represent and transform the world surrounding us. And a dialogue, pointing out the importance language has both, in our perception of images and reality and in our capacity of reflection.

This articulation is what we can see in most of my recent works, focused from the relation between the images humans produce within an artistic context, and the theoretical and critical discourses that dial with them, condensed in something we can classify as “metaimages”, namely second-order visual reflections on what the images themselves are. The installation I present in Titanik’s Studio Space is the development of this research line, going further into the reflection about representation, image, media and technology.”


David Cantarero Tomás (Teruel, 1979) studied graphic design and illustration at the Art School of Zaragoza (2003) and graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona (2008). In 2006 he was awarded an Erasmus grant at the University of the West of England, Bristol and between 2008 and 2010 he took a Master in Contemporary Though back on the UB. During this period he developed a collaboration internship in the Teaching Supporting Unit (USD) of the Resources Centre for Teaching and Research (CRAI). He is currently in Valencia taking the postgraduate program Art: Production and Research, in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where he also works as an intern in the Vice-deanship of Culture.

In the field of art production the work he has been carrying out the last few years has led him to be awarded several grants and prizes such as the Young Art Exhibition of the Government of Aragón or the University of Zaragoza Artistic Creation Prizes as well as exhibiting at various museums, exhibition halls and art centers such as the Museum of Teruel, the Paraninfo of the University of Zaragoza, the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) or Las Naves, space for contemporary creation of Valencia.